Ethanol Production by Balanites aegyptiaca Fruits Valorization in the Adrar Region of Algeria
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Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing the planet today. It is important to ensure access to energy to promote quality of life and economic development. It is therefore essential to address this problem in sustainable development. Advances in the development of new technologies have given hope that the goals will be attainable in the field of energy. Currently, biotechnological processes make it possible to promote this fruit of the desert date tree and make available to citizens a new generation of products with high added value such as bioethanol. In this context, various alcoholic fermentation tests at the laboratory level are carried out to determine the dilution rate, in order to optimize the process. We compared the degree of crude alcohol of four dilutions, i.e. the dilution by (six, nine, ten and eleven times) of the mass (110) g of the Balanites fruits pulp. We obtained after the distillation step, the following optimization results for the fermentation of the four substrates at different dilution than the 10-fold dilution of the substrate gave the best yield.
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