A new algorithm described PV module’s behavior under partial shading conditions
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The shadowing of a single cell in string leads to reverse bias of the shadowed cell. The cell acts as a load instead of a generator in order to deal with this effect and the hotspots problems, this paper focuses on the design of bypass diodes configuration and the behavior of a PV module (Suntech 85w) under partial shading divided from 36 cells into three parts of 12 cells and each part of these parts behaves like a single module, The effect of shadow has been simulated on this module, based on the transmission of shadow for a single shaded cell, before increasing the number of shaded cells for the same shadow transmittance, and the effect of the shaded on the unshaded module and those in the presence and absence of bypass diodes. The simulation results show that the consequences of the shading phenomena can be limited by this configuration and thus increase the operating efficiency of photovoltaic (PV) systems.
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