Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles controlled by direct torque control (DTC) during low-speed operation

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Farid Tazerart
Ahmed Azib
Farid Kerrouche
Toufik Rekioua


Controlling the speed and torque of electric vehicles (EVs) under various road conditions poses a significant challenge with conventional control methods. This paper introduces a novel approach to direct torque control (DTC) by incorporating a self-tuning fuzzy speed controller specifically designed for EV applications. The self-tuning fuzzy proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller is devised to continually update its output scaling factor. DTC, which directly links torque and speed control to the electromagnetic state of the motor, eliminates the need for a modulator. It performs effectively at high speeds and operates without a speed sensor. However, DTC is typically employed in the medium and low-speed range of electric vehicle propulsion. This paper aims to develop a DTC structure utilizing a self-tuning fuzzy speed controller for driving a fuel cell electric vehicle in low-speed urban scenarios. Simulation results demonstrate that the adaptive fuzzy PI control ensures better efficiency compared to the conventional PI controller, affirming its superior control performance.

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How to Cite
F. Tazerart, A. . Azib, F. . Kerrouche, and T. . Rekioua, “Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles controlled by direct torque control (DTC) during low-speed operation”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 115 -, Jun. 2024.


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