Analysis of the efficiency of a Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant linked to the electrical grid
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The growing need for energy in emerging nations gives rise to apprehensions over energy security, so underscoring the criticality of harnessing the potential of renewable resources. Empirical evidence has demonstrated that photovoltaic systems integrated into the network are the optimal options for large-scale renewable energy. The analysis of the performance of these network-connected centrals can enhance the design, operation, and maintenance of new systems. The commissioning of a 12 MW photovoltaic solar power plant in Sidi Bel Abbès, located in the Dhaya region, has established it as one of the largest solar power plants in Algeria. The site yields a mean solar radiation of 5.21 kilowatt-hours per square metre per day and an average yearly temperature of 18.9 degrees Celsius. The present work provides an analysis of the yearly performance and conceptual aspects of the photovoltaic central unit. We compare the performance outcomes of the power plant with the simulated values generated by the SolarGis PvPlanner program. Analysis of real-world performance in relation to simulations allows for the detection of inconsistencies and the enhancement of future initiatives. SolarGis PvPlanner is an essential modelling program for accurately forecasting performance and effectively strategising solar projects, therefore guaranteeing sustainable and dependable energy for the future.
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