AHP Optimization Method for Windy Site in Costal Annaba Region

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Samira Louassa
Hafida Daaou Nedjari
Sabiha Kheder-Haddouche


The majority of countries worldwide rely on fossil fuels as a source of energy. Nevertheless, the utilization of this source of energy is associated with significant environmental problems. To reduce their impact, innovative clean energy solutions are needed. Wind power is currently the most cost-effective and competitive renewable energy source. The identification of an optimal location for a wind farm is a crucial aspect of the decision-making process. This involves considering numerous factors, including wind speed, terrain quality, distance to the power grid, road network, housing, agricultural land, and environmental concerns. The use of Multi-Criteria Decision Method (MCDM) and Geographic Information System (GIS), along with other techniques, facilitates the selection of sites that meet the desired criteria. This study employed GIS and MCDM-AHP methods in order to identify suitable sites for wind farm installation in an eastern Algerian coastal area. In the context of MCDM analysis, it is important to note that not all criteria are of equal importance. Consequently, each criterion is assigned a specific weight to reflect its importance. The weights assigned in this study were calculated using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). The result was a wind speed suitability map that combined all criteria into two site categories in fact, 20% of the land area is highly suitable and 10% is found to be most suitable.

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How to Cite
S. . Louassa, H. . Daaou Nedjari, and S. . Kheder-Haddouche, “AHP Optimization Method for Windy Site in Costal Annaba Region”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 209 -, Sep. 2024.


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