Wind pumping with possibility to eliminate the power electronics bay

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Saci Taraft
Djamila Rekioua
Abdelhak Djoudi
Djamal Aouzellag


In this article, we propose an application which resides in wind pumping, in particular the possibility to eliminate the power electronics interface. This fact is based on the exploitation of the torque-speed characteristic of the centrifugal type pump. The pumping system proposed in this article is made up of a three-blade turbine, two permanent magnets synchronous machines, one of which plays the role of the generator and the other motor driving the centrifugal pump. The good choice of machines and the centrifugal pump made possible the operation of the system of pumping with elimination of the static converter.The mathematical model to eliminate the static converter is developed and presented, implemented and simulated in the Matlab/Simulink environment.The simulation results obtained are validated by comparison with other simulation results of a wind pumping system with the presence of the power electronics interface.

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How to Cite
S. . Taraft, D. . Rekioua, A. . Djoudi, and D. . Aouzellag, “Wind pumping with possibility to eliminate the power electronics bay”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 215 -, Sep. 2024.


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