Comparative Study Between Synergetic Control and Sliding Mode Control using MPPT Techniques

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Khoukha Bouguerra
Samia Latreche
Hamza Khemliche
Mabrouk Khemliche


Researchers are focusing on extracting maximum energy from photovoltaic cells due to non-linear characteristics like solar radiation, temperature, carrier, misdirection, and internal current. Advanced DC-Link controllers and current controllers, DC/DC boost converter, MPPT controller, DC-AC inverter phase reactive power compensation operation, synchronization and current grid supply are required. Synergetic control SC is introduced as a new tool in PV control, and we compared it with sliding mode control SMC stands out as a powerful and effective tool. We have implemented techniques such as sliding mode-based MPPT controller and synergetic control SC to allow us to conduct a general study and a comprehensive, taking into account factors such as efficiency, complexity and response time. SC algorithms show efficiency and superiority over MPPT-SMC algorithms in terms of stability, efficiency, speed of response, and maximum power point output without chattering. A PV Grid-Connected System model was created at Simulink to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed global synergistic control mechanism.

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How to Cite
K. Bouguerra, S. . Latreche, H. . Khemliche, and M. . Khemliche, “Comparative Study Between Synergetic Control and Sliding Mode Control using MPPT Techniques”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 113 -, Oct. 2024.


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