Heat Transfer Enhancement for Rarefied Flow Within a Microchannel Featuring Obstructions
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The present study investigates forced convection heat transfer of rarefied flow within a microchannel containing obstacles using the thermal lattice Boltzmann method using a double distribution function model and BGK approximation. Slip velocity and temperature jump conditions were employed across microchannel walls. The microchannel temperature and velocity input are constant. The microchannel configuration has three obstacles imposed along the lower microchannel wall. The study simulates rarefied fluid flow and heat transmission of forced convection inside the microchannel, considering separation between obstacles as the primary study objective. The findings represent the distribution of temperature and velocity. In addition, temperature jump and slip velocity in the function of Knudsen numbers were also represented. The findings highlight the substantial influence of barriers on temperature and velocity. As the distance between obstacles drops, the temperature diminishes. Additionally, a rise in separation distances significantly aids in the dropping of velocity. The results reveal a significant reduction in slip velocity as Knudsen numbers increase across the microchannel length. The outcomes of the present investigation could assist and be used as a cooling solution for various technologies, such as microelectronics and nanoelectromechanical systems. Additionally, the suggested configuration might be utilized to improve microfluidic device design.
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