A Modified Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing the Placement and Sizing of Distributed Generators in Radial Distribution Systems Including Security Analysis
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In this paper, a Modified Genetic Algorithm (MGA) combined with ETAP (Electrical Transient Analyzer Program), is proposed to optimize the placement and sizing of Distributed Generation (DG) units while considering multiple objectives, such as improving voltage profiles, reducing line losses, and managing short-circuit levels. These factors are critical for maintaining power quality, system reliability, and overall stability. The MGA approach is validated through simulations using the IEEE 33-bus distribution system, modeled in both MATLAB and ETAP. The results show significant improvements in voltage stability, loss reduction, and short-circuit level management, enhancing energy management and operational efficiency. A comparative analysis with alternative algorithms, including the Bat Algorithm (BA), Bacterial Foraging Optimization Algorithm (BFOA), and Artificial Immune System (AIS), demonstrates that MGA achieves superior convergence speed and accuracy, making it highly effective for DG placement and power system performance optimization.
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