Load Frequency PID Controller Design Based on Pole Placement Method of an Islanded Microgrid

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Benali Alouache
M'hamed Helaimi
Abdelkadir Belhadj Djilali
Hadj Allouache
Adil Yahdou


This research paper addresses the issue of frequency deviation in MG, which has emerged as a significant challenge in the context of power supply to loads, particularly in the context of unpredictable and random climate shifts. The system was evaluated under two distinct scenarios: one lacking any control methodologies, relying on conventional techniques to guarantee uninterrupted power supply to the load, and the other utilizing a PID controller calibrated through the Pole Placement method. The uncontrolled system exhibited considerable frequency fluctuations, exceeding ±1.5 Hz, which undermined its stability and rendered it unsuitable for supplying power to loads that require precise frequency levels. Conversely, the introduction of the controller resulted in substantial enhancements, reducing frequency distortion and facilitating more rapid stabilization, with the frequency remaining within ±0.5 Hz shortly after system startup. These outcomes underscore the viability of this approach in ensuring stable frequency regulation in MG environments.

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How to Cite
B. . Alouache, M. . Helaimi, A. . Belhadj Djilali, H. . Allouache, and A. . Yahdou, “Load Frequency PID Controller Design Based on Pole Placement Method of an Islanded Microgrid”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 193 -, Oct. 2024.


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