DFIG versus PMSG for marine current turbine applications

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Seifeddine Benelghali
Mohamed Benbouzid
Jean Frédéric Charpentier


Emerging technologies for marine current turbine are mainly relevant to works that have been carried out on wind turbines and ship propellers. It is then obvious that many electric generator topologies could be used for marine current turbines. As in the wind turbine context, doubly-fed induction generators and permanent magnet generators seems to be attractive solutions to be used to harness the tidal current energy. In this paper, a comparative study between these two generators type is presented and fully analyzed in terms of generated power, maintenance and operation constraints. This comparison is done for the Raz de Sein site (Brittany, France) using a multi physics modeling simulation tool. This tool integrates, in a modular environment, the resource model, the turbine hydrodynamic model and the generators models.

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How to Cite
S. . Benelghali, M. . Benbouzid, and J. F. . Charpentier, “DFIG versus PMSG for marine current turbine applications”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 29 -, Mar. 2012.

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