Comparative study between two maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques for photovoltaic system

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Salima Nemsi
Linda Barazane
Said Diaf
Ali Malek


Solar panels have a nonlinear voltage-current characteristic, with a distinct maximum power point (MPP), which depends on the environmental factors, such as temperature and irradiation. In order to continuously harvest maximum power from the solar panels, they have to operate at their MPP despite the inevitable changes in the environment. This is why the controllers of all solar power electronic converters employ some method for maximum power point tracking (MPPT). This paper presents a comparative study between two most popular algorithms techniques which are incremental conductance (INC) and perturb and observe (P&O) in order to optimize the efficiency of the solar generator. The MPPT techniques will be compared, by using Matlab tool Simulink.

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How to Cite
S. . Nemsi, L. . Barazane, S. Diaf, and A. . Malek, “Comparative study between two maximum power point tracking (MPPT) techniques for photovoltaic system”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 773 -, Dec. 2013.