Numerical Study of Bidimensional Steady Natural Convection in a Space Annulus Between Two Elliptic Confocal Ducts Influence of the Internal Eccentricity

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Mahfoud Djezzar
Abla Chaker
Michel Daguenet


The authors express the Boussinesq equations of the laminar thermal and natural convection, in the case of permanent and bidimensional flow, in an annular space between two confocal elliptic cylinders. A new calculation code using the finite volumes with the primitive functions (velocity-pressure formulation) and the elliptic coordinates system is proposed. The Prandtl number is fixed at 0.7 (case of the air) with varying the Rayleigh number. The effect of the geometry of the interior elliptic cylinder on the results is examined.

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How to Cite
M. . Djezzar, A. . Chaker, and M. . Daguenet, “Numerical Study of Bidimensional Steady Natural Convection in a Space Annulus Between Two Elliptic Confocal Ducts Influence of the Internal Eccentricity”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 63 - 72, Jun. 2005.