Détermination de la vitesse de séchage du Curcuma par analogie au modèle de sorption de Bradley

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Laurencia Randriafeno Rajonandrianina
Jean Désiré Ranarijaona
Josoa Randriamorasata
Jean Luc Rasoanaivo


In Madagascar, the drying of Curcuma consists of exposing them directly to the Sun. This is not always productive. This work aims to provide information on the drying of turmeric by determining the drying curve in order to consider industrial drying. To do this, two steps were conducted: an experiment of drying and modeling of the drying curve by analogy with the empirical model of Bradley. This allowed obtaining the drying curve of Curcuma. The obtaining of this curve allows to predict the behavior of the product in the drying and so to define the necessary energy to bring to dry it and especially, to determine the duration of drying. All this will be able to lead essentially in the theoretical and technical calculations for the realization of the dryer and continuation of the feasibility study of such a project

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How to Cite
L. . Randriafeno Rajonandrianina, J. D. . Ranarijaona, J. . Randriamorasata, and J. L. . Rasoanaivo, “Détermination de la vitesse de séchage du Curcuma par analogie au modèle de sorption de Bradley”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 56 -, Jun. 2021.