Maxi dual axis solar tracker system

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Kamel Ghanem Ghalem
Mohamed Issam Ziane
Adel Hamoul
Rabee Gheni


In this work, a maxi dual axis solar tracker is proposed. This tracker is used to track the sun path within a day and during a year. The tracking system is composed of two parts: mechanical and electrical parts. The mechanical part is composed of panel carrier, panel carrier rotator according to horizontal/vertical axis, two actuators. The electrical part is composed of light sensor, microcontroller, relays. The light sensor receives an artificial light and sends a potential difference as an analog signal to microcontroller. The microcontroller converts the analog signal into a digital signal using ADC and sends it to relays. The relays activate the two actuators to orient the maxi solar PV into the artificial light with the purpose to produce maximum energy.

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How to Cite
K. G. . Ghalem, M. I. . Ziane, A. . Hamoul, and R. . Gheni, “Maxi dual axis solar tracker system”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 43 -, Sep. 2023.


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