Retour sur la première expérience de l’hybridation par le solaire PV des centrales de production d’électricité conventionnelles alimentant les Réseaux Insulaires du Grand Sud Algérien
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The Algerian electric system consists of the northern interconnected grid, the “Pôle In Salah – Adrar – Timimoun” regional grid and many mini-grids supplying dispersed localities in the Great Algerian South. Although these mini-grids share, as of end-2018, only 4% of the whole country power generation capacity, the huge renewable energies, mainly solar PV, potential availability stimulates, in the framework of the efforts deployed towards a low-carbon energy transition, to integrate PV to existing fossil fuels-based power plants. In this context, this paper presents the first attempt achieved by SKTM, a subsidiary of Sonelgaz, by the integration of PV power plants to the power generation systems supplying Tamanrasset, Tindouf and Djanet localities. Positive outcomes in terms of fuel saving and CO2 emissions reduction which would be retrieved from this first experience are highlighted.
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