A Comparative Technical-Economic Study of two Water Pumping Systems for an Isolated Community in Algeria

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Fatima Belgacem
Mohamed Mostefai
Yahia Miloud
Aicha Belgacem


The goal of this work is to size a photovoltaic pumping system built on a brushless DC motor and without accumulators, then to evaluate its cost by comparing the latter with a pumping system powered by a diesel generator for a system of irrigation in an isolated site in the city of Saïda in Algeria, based on a technique known as the cost of the life cycle. The water pumping system is designed to irrigate an area of 8 hectares, planted with onions. Based on the results of this study, the photovoltaic pumping system is more economically viable compared to the system running on diesel.

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How to Cite
F. . Belgacem, M. . Mostefai, Y. . Miloud, and A. . Belgacem, “A Comparative Technical-Economic Study of two Water Pumping Systems for an Isolated Community in Algeria”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 37 -, Jun. 2022.


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