Comparative study between PI, FLC, SMC and Fuzzy sliding mode controllers of DFIG wind turbine
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In speed control, double-fed-induction generator (DFIG) has attracted attention in wind energy conversion systems (WECs). These systems can offer higher performances by controlling converters that connect the generator windings to the grid network. Therefore, different control strategies have been used. We can find the proportional integral (PI) and sliding mode control (SMC) which offer better performances. However, PI has constant gains that can’t change with the external variation and SMC has a chattering problem. Therefore, a hybrid control system that combines fuzzy logic control (FLC) and SMC to perform fuzzy sliding mode control (FSMC) is proposed. The hybrid system can improve the FLC and SMC robustness. The DFIG modeling and each of the control strategies have been detailed. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the control strategies, a comparative study of different control strategies (PI, FLC, SMC and FSMC) is described and performed using MATLAB/Simulink software. The results obtained from the present study show that FSMC is more robust and efficient than the other controllers (PI, FLC and SMC). It has high performances (low settling time, high steady state accuracy) assuring a perfect power decoupling with minimal ripples and errors.
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