Growth by the Heat Exchanger Method and Characterization of Multi-crystalline Silicon ingots for PV

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Djamel Ouadjaout
Youcef Gritli
Lamine Zair
Messaoud Boumaour


Multi-crystalline silicon ingots of 44 cm square cross section, weighing 80 kg, have been produced by a modified Heat Exchanger Method in which a graphite insulation and heat exchanger block move down from the heater during crystal growth to facilitate heat extraction from the bottom of the crucible. Wafers of 300 mceclip0.png thickness and 1.2 mceclip1.png resistivity, have shown consistency and uniformity in the properties required for large-scale production. The interstitial oxygen concentration varies from 1.6 to 3.6 ppm, whereas the substitutional carbon concentration is assessed to be below 10 ppm.

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How to Cite
D. . Ouadjaout, Y. . Gritli, L. . Zair, and M. . Boumaour, “Growth by the Heat Exchanger Method and Characterization of Multi-crystalline Silicon ingots for PV”, J. Ren. Energies, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 49 - 54, Jun. 2005.