Experimental and CFD investigation of cavitation phenomenon in the distributor of a Banki-Michell Turbine
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Cavitation is a physical phenomenon that often occurs in hydraulic machines such as pumps, valves, and turbines. Although the Banki-Michell turbine has been used for a long time in small hydropower, no study related to this phenomenon of cavitation in the injector of this turbine has been done. In this study, we will present the results of a numerical study carried out in the nozzle of a Banki-Michell turbine. The numerical solution of the Navier Stokes cavitation equations of the Banki-Michell turbine injector was carried out considering a 2D geometry of the injector-rotor assembly. The simulation results showed that the cavitation phenomenon appears when the water flow area in the nozzle becomes less than 50%. Furthermore, the results also showed that the occurrence of this cavitation phenomenon in the injector is more likely at higher operating heads. The results of an experimental study of the geometry of the injector showed that the height of the water passage section varies linearly with the degree of opening of the stator valve.
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