Thermal behaviour of a multilayer media in transient regime

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Youcef Tamene
Cherif Bougriou
Rachid Bessaïh


In this paper, we develop a mathematical model, which calculate the temperature and thermal contact resistance distributions in a multilayer media. This work is composed of two parts. The first part concerns the analytical solution of the conduction thermal problem for two plates, which ended in mathematical expressions giving the temperatures and thermal resistance profiles. A computer code, which calculates the analytical expressions from the values of the temperature at any time as well as the thermal contact résistance, is elaborated in the second part.

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Comment citer
Y. . Tamene, C. . Bougriou, et R. . Bessaïh, « Thermal behaviour of a multilayer media in transient regime », J. Ren. Energies, vol. 10, nᵒ 3, p. 397 -, sept. 2007.